A Guide for Coming to the Y | YMCA DC

A Guide for Coming to the Y


  • After you have read the COVID-19 Code of Conduct and Y’s updated waiver, and are willing and able to uphold all aspects of the Code of Conduct for the health and safety of all members and staff.
  • Prepared to have your temperature taken per the Y Health Screening Guidelines.
  • With a face mask or cloth face covering to wear. Wearing a mask in common areas on Y property is required at all times, including while exercising indoors. Wearing a mask while exercising outdoors when social distancing is maintained is not required, but recommended.  Wearing a mask is not required when exercising in the swimming pool.
  • Dressed to exercise with your membership card, a water bottle, a towel and a small bag for your personal items. In PHASE 1 and PHASE 2, locker rooms will not be open and water fountains are closed. Toilet facilities will be available and showers for entering the pool on the pool deck.
  • If playing tennis, with 2 cans of tennis balls.
  • Ready to observe and respect all signage promoting social distancing.
  • Ready to wipe down any equipment that you use before and after your use.
  • Ready to use the many hand sanitizer stations available to help keep your hands clean.
  • Ready to share suggestions for improvements so we can better serve you and all members and staff.

Welcome Back!



  • If you answer “yes” to any of the health screening questions recommended by the CDC that all members will be asked:
    1. Have you been in close contact with a confirmed or presumed confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
    2. Are you experiencing a new cough, shortness of breath or sore throat that cannot be attributed to another health condition?
    3. Have you had a fever or sense of having a fever in the last 48 hours
    4. Have you had new loss of taste or smell that cannot be attributed to another health condition?
    5. Have you had new headaches, chills, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours that cannot be contributed to another health condition or specific activity?
    6. In the past 7 days, have you traveled outside of the state of Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, Delaware or Pennsylvania?
    7. Have you been absent from the Y for the past 90 days or longer? If so, please speak with the Executive Director before visiting the YMCA.
  • If you do not plan on complying with CDC and the Y recommendations relating to face masks or cloth face coverings, social distancing, or any other health department requirements or recommendations (that are subject to change), when and as required.
  • If you need child watch in PHASE 1 or PHASE 2, as the social distancing required will not allow child watch take place until future phases.
*Important Inclement Weather Updates* Please view before coming to the branchCLICK HERE to View Branch/Program Updates