New Member Wellness Journey | YMCA DC

New Member Wellness Journey

Welcome to the Y! As a new member of the Y, we invite you to participate in our free offerings to get you started on your health journey. These include:

  • Wellness consultations with our wellness staff
  • A trainer assisted workout
  • Equipment orientations, and a
  • Nutrition consult with our Registered Dietitian

Find more information about each service below also, be sure to check out our BEST START program to help you immediately engage in the Y programs of interest to you.


Wellness Consultations are available to new members within their first 30—days and as requested on an annual basis. For current members, these 30—minute sessions include a goal—setting discussion, recording health measurements, and developing a workout schedule for the next 30—days.


Coach assisted workouts are available to new members within the first 30 days of membership. One of our YMCA coaches will tailor this 30 minute workout to your experience level and healthy living goals.


Equipment Orientations offer members a chance to learn more about the wellness equipment featured on the wellness floor. In the equipment orientations, members meet together with a wellness coach to practice using wellness equipment in a supportive group environment. Please view the branch activity calendar located on the branch home page, so you can schedule your participation in future equipment orientations.


The YMCA of Metropolitan Washington offers a wide variety of motivating, inspiring and positive habit-forming Group Exercise classes for all member interests and preferences at each branch location.  Member surveys support the fact that Y members who participate in Group Exercise classes traditionally have the highest rate of goal achievement, including achieving their specific physical wellness goals.

>>Select your branch below to view your group exercise schedule.


Nutrition consults provide members the opportunity to learn more about our nutrition services here at the Y, and what working with a Registered Dietitian can do for you. During this 30-minute virtual meeting, you can expect:

  • An introduction to our chronic disease prevention programs.
  • A conversation about your food and nutrition-related questions and concerns.
  • To receive some brief, general advice to get you started down the road toward a healthier way of eating for you.
  • An overview of how collaborating with a registered dietitian nutritionist can help you address your unique nutrition needs and desired health outcomes.

The Y offers health programs for members and community members who have been diagnosed or are at risk of developing chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and more. Additionally, we offer nutrition and culinary education for SNAP-eligible District residents. For more information, please visit the Community Health page here or email

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